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The History of Essential & Fragrance Oil


Essential Oil world known Aromatherapy has been used for centuries to improve one’s surrounding or well being. Some effects of natural aromatherapy are to improve mental and physical health through our body structure. Aromatherapy influences our mood: feeling, thinking, breathing, movement, metabolism and even resistance to illness.

Benefits of Essential Oil

Essential oils are unique to each other individual purposes, while some provide similar benefits. Some benefits are smell or emotion, mood swing, behavioral change and keep your mind focus through meditation.


Homemade Diffuser Electric Diffuser In a bowl, sprinkle pinecones with 15-20 drops of oil. Shake pinecones every few days to distribute scent. Add 1-2 drops of oil to diffuser filled with purified water.
Home Cleaning Products Mix 3 drops of disinfecting oil(s) with warm water and spray countertops to disinfect.
Laundry Add 10-20 drops of your favourite scent per load.
Air Freshener Soak cotton ball with 2 drops of 2 oils and place behind, beneath, or inside malodorous places or things.
Sleep Aid Sprinkle 1-2 drops of oil on pillow.
Hot Compress for Muscle Pain Add 6 drops of essential oil to 9 oz of hot water and soak small towel. Wring out excess water and place hot towel over affected area.
Bath Oil Mix 5 drops oil and 1-2 oz (28-56 g) of bath salts in a warm bath.
Sauna Add 2 drops of oil into 2 cups of water in a sauna.
Mouthwash Add 1-2 drops of oil to 1/4 cup of water and gargle with it. Do not swallow.
Steam Inhalation Add 3-4 drops of essential oil to bowl of boiled water. Over bowl, cover head with large towel. Breathe steam through nose for several minutes. Keep eyes closed.
Acne Treatment Add 2 drops of Tea Tree oil and 1 drop of Lavender oil to pure Aloe Vera gel for non-drying serum.
You the individual can choose what is the holistically approach you want to take to improve and treat your condition of spirit, body and mind. Explore endless ways how essential oil can influence your health, behaviour and mood. Inspire yourself with the comforting feeling of the essential oil of choice and its calmness experience. Awaken your environment with the beautiful scents of essential oil over and over again.

Aromatherapy/Essential Oil Massage-Benefits, Techniques and Safety

Massaging refers to the using of one’s hand in a skilful manner to relieving the body muscle tension and stimulating blood circulation. It’s important to choose the right essential oil with the right therapeutic properties based on the person state of mind. The essential oil will penetrate the skin readily than water. Essential oil molecules are so minuscule that when they are applied to the skin they are able to pass through the outer layer of the epidermis, to the dermis, into the capillaries and then into the bloodstream.

Tea Tree and Peppermint blends with Coconut Oil

Use for Balancing, Strengthening and Purifying

Rosemary and Eucalyptus blends with Coconut Oil

Use Stimulating, Uplifting and Deodorizing


Coconut Oil and it benefits          

When applied topically, a coconut oil transports or “carries” an essential oil and facilitates the skin’s intake of its active ingredients. Coconut oil themselve contain nutrients, minerals, and fat-soluble vitamins that are beneficial to skin health. Coconut oils all vary in their penetrability into the skin; those that penetrate quickly leave the least amount of residue on the skin’s surface.

The use of Coconut Oil has been a prolific and fundamental aspect in the lives of many societies all around the world, especially in tropical and coastal regions such as South and Central America, Africa, the Indian subcontinent and Asia.

The benefits of coconut oil contain:

Lauric Acid– is said to

  • Assimilate quickly and completely into the body, as it is a Medium-Chain Triglyceride (Saturated Fat)
  • Eliminate and prevent various viruses

Capric Acid and Caprylic Acid – is said to

  • Assimilate quickly and completely into our bodies, as they are Medium-Chain Triglycerides (Saturated Fats)
  • Contribute antimicrobial and antifungal properties
  • Stimulate hair follicles with natural proteins
  • Repair and strengthen damaged hair while adding shine
  • Prevent the spread of harmful bacteria, making it effective for use on acne-prone skin

Linoleic Acid (Polyunsaturated Fats) – is said to

  • Moisturize hair and promote its growth
  • Facilitate wound healing
  • Be effective emulsifiers in the formulation of soaps and quick-drying oils
  • Exhibit anti-inflammatory properties
  • Soothe acne and reduce chances of future outbreaks
  • Promote moisture retention in skin and hair
  • Make oils feel thinner in consistency, thus being beneficial for use on acne-prone skin

Oleic Acid (Monounsaturated Fats) – is said to

  • Maintain the softness, suppleness, and radiance of skin and hair
  • Stimulate the growth of thicker, longer, and stronger hair
  • Reduce the appearance of aging, such as premature wrinkles and fine lines
  • Eliminate dandruff and thereby support hair growth
  • Boost immunity
  • Exhibit antioxidant properties
  • Prevent joint inflammation, stiffness, and pain

Polyphenols  is said to

  • Soothe inflammation
  • Contribute scent and antioxidant properties to Coconut Oil
  • Repair dry, damaged skin
  • Improve skin elasticity, especially for prematurely aging skin
  • Enhance moisture levels in skin
  • Protect skin against UV rays
  • Enhance skin cell growth
  • Boost circulation to skin
  • Increase hair growth

Medium-Chain Triglycerides- is said to

  • Eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi
  • Offer intense moisture
  • Condition the hair and eliminate dandruff
  • Boost hair growth


Fragrance Oils are the scented oils that are created to be added to products such as scented candles, household cleaners, room sprays, air fresheners, and vaporizers in order to give them pleasant, distinctive aromas or to enable them to diffuse pleasant aromas. Fragrance Oils that are body-safe can also be added to cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, perfumes, and other products that make contact with the skin and hair.

Virtually all fragrances, natural or manmade, in an environment can be imitated in a laboratory, and there are limitless variations of oil groupings that can synthetically produce each of these countless scents. Fragrance Oils may be composed of one to two Essential Oils while others may have many more, and although combining the same combination of oils will repeatedly produce the same scent, simply adjusting the percentage of each oil could alter the final scent considerably, creating one that is completely original compared to previous iterations.

In a careful process, fragrance designers develop each Fragrance Oil by selecting the Essential Oils or other aromatic chemical compounds that blend well together and then by determining the ideal amount of each oil for the particular theme that is intended to be captured for the resultant blend. To illustrate, for a scent inspired by the feeling of spending a sunny summer day at the beach, the ideal aromatic compounds would likely have light, refreshing, and uplifting qualities.

Some of the ingredients – both artificial and naturally-derived – that commonly go into the production of Fragrance Oils include Absolutes, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Carrier Oils, Essential Oils, Esters, and Resins. Though some Fragrance Oils might not necessarily be entirely natural or volatile, they can still have the ability to uphold the same quality as Essential Oils and can sometimes exude stronger, longer-lasting aromas. Fragrance Oils can be either 100% synthetic or they can be comprised of up to 80% Essential Oils.

Although the term Fragrance Oil is sometimes understood to be a substitute for the term Essential Oil, there are several differences between these two distinctly different types of oils even if they can both be applied similarly:


Natural and pure

Sometimes manufactured with natural aromatic components and other times manufactured with chemical components (not entirely pure)

Derived from various plant parts, including roots, leaves, herbs, grass, flowers, and resins

Could be composed of either several natural oils or of artificial/synthetic aromatic compounds

Retains the authentic essence/aroma and beneficial properties of the plant

Replicates Essential Oil scents; numerous scents are combined to produce a new, unique scent

Examples of Essential Oils: Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Eucalyptus

Examples of Fragrance Oils: Pumpkin Patch, Christmas Eve, Bubble Gum, Sun and Sand, Dragon’s Blood

Traditionally used in aromatherapy for therapeutic properties

Not commonly used in aromatherapy, due to absence of therapeutic properties

Reputed to have various health benefits

Not known to have any health benefits

Can be used in scented candles, household cleaners, room sprays, air fresheners, vaporizers, cosmetics, detergents, perfumes, soaps, etc.

Can be used in scented candles, household cleaners, room sprays, air fresheners, vaporizers, cosmetics, detergents, perfumes, soaps, etc.

Pricing depends on the source botanical as well as the extraction method

Compared to Essential Oils, pricing is typically less expensive

Quality, scent, appearance, and potency of oil depends on quality of growing conditions of the crop from which it is derived; inconsistencies are possible from batch to batch

Quality, scent, appearance, and potency of oil remain consistent


Similar to their Essential Oil counterparts, Fragrance Oils contribute pleasant scents to products and often conjure positive memories or trigger positive associations with their scents. Furthermore, they capture unique as well as everyday scents that cannot be found in nature. Through a blend of various aromatic compounds, they are able to synthesize scents that are human-made, such as the aromas of foods, both the naturally aromatic foods as well as the odorless ones. Unlike Essential Oils, only Fragrance Oils can offer the scents of an ocean breeze, baby powder, tomatoes, mountain rain, or clean laundry.



IMPORTANT: It is imperative to consult a medical practitioner before using these oils for therapeutic purposes. Pregnant and nursing women are especially advised not to use Essential Oils without the medical advice of a physician, as they may have effects on certain hormone secretions and it is unclear whether these effects are transferable to babies at these stages of development. These oils should always be stored in an area that is inaccessible to children, especially those under the age of 7.